Light weight Stock Options?


Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2005
I am looking to compile a list of Light/Ultralight stock options and would like all the suggestions and input I can get. There has to be a few more companies that offer ultralight stocks as there seems to be quite a demand for sub 6lb rifles lately.
These are the few builders i know of:

Ultralight (1lb or less finished):
MPI -a few styles
Lone Wolf - purchased by Proof Research and may no longer be an option
Brown Precision - listed as 15-17oz may be more than 1lb finished

Light ( 2lb or less finished):
MPI - many styles
Lone Wolf - read statement above
Bell & Carlson
McMillan - edge fill
Manners SL
High Tech Specialties
Brown Precision

If anyone out there knows of other sources for stocks please post the builders and I'll add them to the list.

Please, no lectures on the benefits of weight in a rifle. That issue has been discussed in depth elsewhere on this forum.

Recent build with an MPI stock.
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I forgot about Brown! They are now on the list.

Called pendleton stocks just now. They offer a stock that finishes right at a pound so there's another for the ultralight list. Do you have any experience with their blanks? Quality?
I forgot about Brown! They are now on the list.

Called pendleton stocks just now. They offer a stock that finishes right at a pound so there's another for the ultralight list. Do you have any experience with their blanks? Quality?

They are very good. I have a rifle in the classifieds right now for sale that has one of them on it. I've just had their ultralight but it is well made and performs like it is supposed to.

Homer, High Tech Specialties is on the list. I have one on a 375 Ruger and really like it. It was one of the best factory inlets and had a really nice exterior. Very easy to get bedded and finished. I wish they made a lighter version though!

The brake on the gun I posted is a Vais. I prefer them over others on the hunting rifles I build because they tame the recoil of the ultra light rifles we'll. I have one on a 5.75lb 7 WSM that is very easy on the shoulder. The lighter the gun the better the brake seems to work.
Noted on the brake...thanks

Homer, High Tech Specialties is on the list. I have one on a 375 Ruger and really like it. It was one of the best factory inlets and had a really nice exterior. Very easy to get bedded and finished. I wish they made a lighter version though!

The brake on the gun I posted is a Vais. I prefer them over others on the hunting rifles I build because they tame the recoil of the ultra light rifles we'll. I have one on a 5.75lb 7 WSM that is very easy on the shoulder. The lighter the gun the better the brake seems to work.
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