Leupold VX7?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
Reno, NV
Hi all, new to the site and looking for some information on the Leupold VX7. I moved to Nevada a couple of years ago, and was lucky enough to draw a deer tag for the upcoming season. Talking to the guys at work, it seems that most shots are at 200+ yards. Most of my hunting experience has been in CA, and my longest shot was about 100 yards. I stumbled across a good deal ($950)on new VX7 3.5-14x50 to replace my 4x Weaver. Anyone have any experiance with the VX7 scopes yet? Besides here and a few other gun websites, I've done a few Google searches and can't find much beyond the Leupold marketing info. Any help would be appreciated!
I have a VX-7L 4.5-18X56mm LR mounted on top of a sendero sf2 and love it… took all the data from my load plus elevation of where I hunt and temp averages for Nov and had Leupold make a couple of BDC Rings for me for there and here at home so I can switch back and forth. Used it last fall and took one elk at 470 yards dead on neck shot and second at 720yrds heart/lungs so I would say you can't go wrong.
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