Leupold VX7

Ian M

Well-Known Member
May 3, 2001
Sask. Canada
I was invited to the Leupold factory a few months ago to see some of their very extensive new product line. Had to sign non-disclosure forms so have sat on some neat info but now some of the new stuff is being shown on the internet. Check out the SWFA site for the new VX7 top-end scope from Leupold. Priced right up there with the Europeans, it has all the features they have and some new coatings that should make for interesting resolution and brightness.

There is a nasty new tactical scope for close-quarters coming, about as tough as simple as an anvil.

There are several more biggies, including binocs and lasers so hold on, its coming.
sweet... more stuff to blow money on, just what we need here on this forum. I was beginning to worry about running out of stuff to buy. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
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