Leupold VX-R


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2007
A buddy of mine had a new Leupold VX-R on his slug gun this year and I really liked it. Most of our group runs red dot type sights... eotechs, aimpoint because we do some drive style hunting as well as stand hunting and the red dot seems to work well for getting on moving targets quick and picking up in heavy timber. I really dont like that the dot isnt fixed and floats around in the scope, I kind of like the fixed style crosshair field of view and so Im thinking about taking my aimpoint off and using a 2-7 leupold VX-R on my 1187 slug gun and maybe even a 4-12x for my muzzy... anyone have anything to say about this line of scope, good or bad???
I like the idea of the motion sensor and the fact that if the electronics fail or the batteries die you still have crosshairs for an aim point. I like the idea of turning the magnification down and the lighted reticle up and using it similar to a red dot for moving targets and having a lighted aim point for hunting heavy timber in low light.
Soooo how are the optics, how bright is the lighted reticle, do they hold zero and track good... id kinda like to get a CDS model for my muzzy and be able to dial up yardage. My original choice for the muzzy was a Vortex HS, how would the VX-R compare to this Vortex?
I have the VX-R Patrol 1-4 on my AR that I use for 3Gun Competition. I think nothing of running by a barrel and throwing the rifle in it as I transition to another gun. This scope has not let me down. The illumination starts to act up a little when the battery is low. It usually lasts me about a year. (the battery) You will probably want a switchview throw lever for the magnification.
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I have a VX-R 4-12 on a 243. It is pretty good, I beat the hell out of it in the saddle scabbard, and check zero when I get home most nights. It is always on. I have the CDs dial and use the original moa dial and shoot to 1000 yards at least once a week. It always tracks and has treated me right. Keep a wrap of electric tape over the dial because it will turn on ya! The lit reticle has different intensities and is motion sensitive to not wear out the battery. The battery lasts for a year. I use it for night hunting coyotes in Moon light, and big dogs. My scope is 40mm objective and a friend has both in 4-12, and the 50mm gathers light better.
I have the 1-4 VX-R with #4 reticle on my Rger Hawkeye 375 ruger. As for that, I think it'll hold up ok on your slug gun. I don't think the reticle light is too bright unless its really dark and you have it all the way up. I like how the dot remains nice and small, no big obnoxious 4MOA dot covering everything up. Go for it, that 2-7 version was my second choice, but I use my 375 for bears in AK so I wanted the eyes open 1x for the thick stuff.
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