Leupold BX-4 Alignment


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2021
Just bought a used pair of Leupold BX-4 8x32's that seem to be out of alignment. Or out of collimation. Would this be an easy fix or have to be replaced?
They look like new but just seeing double. Had my wife look through them and said they looked good?Until I got her to close one eye and then the other that she seen the image would move.

First thought it was me, so I pulled out two other pairs of binoculars(both leupolds) and they are perfect. I don't really have a dominant eye, could that be the reason me seeing double and my wife not noticing the issue?

I've already filed a warranty claim through leupold and they should arrive next week. Never heard of an issue like this until now.
Return to place you bought them from request a prepaid return shipping label since you received it obviously defective brand new straight out of the box. Why pay out of pocket shipping and insurance when you're the victim. Have them (seller/dealer) replace it with a new one that's not defective. All shipping and insurance fees should totally be on the seller in this case. If you bought it on eBay it's definitely not as described you get a refund through PayPal automatically.
Return to place you bought them from request a prepaid return shipping label since you received it obviously defective brand new straight out of the box. Why pay out of pocket shipping and insurance when you're the victim. Have them (seller/dealer) replace it with a new one that's not defective. All shipping and insurance fees should totally be on the seller in this case. If you bought it on eBay it's definitely not as described you get a refund through PayPal automatically.
in the first post he said he bought them USED
Return to seller for refund including return shipping and insurance unless the obvious problem was previously disclosed at the time of sale and was sold "as-is" for really dirt cheap.
Yes leupold has them now. Should hear back from them mid January. Hope they can adjust them instead of replacing as it's the camo version, but if not it was still a good deal.