Lets compare our 54cal loads


Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2010
Just looking for some comparisons to my load.

Chrony set at 15 feet
Traditions St.Louis Hawken, 28" barrel, .54cal.
.530" round ball
2fg Gearhart - Owen Black Powder.

No swabbing was done and I did 3 shots each.

80gr - 1,474 FPS
90gr - 1,580
100gr - 1,663

Next time, I plan on swabbing between shots, but the largest spread was with 100gr 2f at 24FPS. Not not IMO.
My hunting load in a kit built peep sighted 54 Cal. TC Hawkin is 100 gr. of 2F Black Powder, Lubed Pillow Ticking and .530 Pure Lead Round Ball with CCI Primers. Never shot it through my Chronograph, But many Whitetail Deer and a Black Bear, From 20 to 150 yds. have fell. Recovered 1 bullet from a deer. Bullet flattened to the size of 3 quarters stacked together. quite a wound channel.
My current load is a .018 patch, .530 roundball, Pyrodex select, cci primer. Shoots very well. Need to try some ffg Swiss in it. I don't ever go over 100 grains of powder and I think my last hunting load was 90 grains. They tend to hammer deer.
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