leica hd-b instruction confusion


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2008
Bismarck, ND
Interested in these binos but the instructions don't make any sense. All they talk about is clicks. If I have my custom drop loaded on a micro sd card and I range an object at 820 yards will it show me the number of clicks I need to put into my scope or will it out say 14.2 moa? I could care less about clicks
You can choose what you want it to read out in. MOA, inches of holdover or the corrected distance. All will be corrected distance/moa/holdover via your program on the micro SD card or using one of the pre-programs already in the bino's.
******ok I don't own one. but from my understanding is you can select number of clicks ie how many 1/4 Moa clicks. or how much MOA, but from my understanding it rounds the MOA reading which IMO would be useless for long range shooting. so IMO the only way to use them is by setting it to 1/4 moa clicks and getting good at math in your head, LOL. I have to believe they didn't have anyone actually using these in the field. Leica if your reading this get this stuff into people's hands that know how to use them to test them before release. no angle compensation below 100 yards is another bone head mistake too.
I do own one and have been using it along with a G7 & we have compared it with my buddies range finding Swaro's. For rifle hunting it is great. With a rifle you don't need angle compensation under 100 yards. I also use a turret with yards on it not a MOA turret and just like the g7 it corrects the yardage for you to dial into your turret.

If you want a rangefinder for precision targets shooting you really do not need one built into a pair of bino's and this one probably is not for you.
But for hunting, it's great. One piece of equipment that does it all.
so it wont read say 14.6 MOA. It will read 15 MOA? what a piece of garbage!

YES, that is my understanding. the reason I complain about no angle compensation below 100 yards is because I hunt the mountains for archery. if I had angle compensation there is a good chance I would not have missed a giant archery buck. the HD-b also does not offer a firing solution beyond 1000 yards. I am told there is some sort of issue exporting it from europe of some such non sense. I still say leica did not get these in the hands of real hunter to test them first because there are little stupid things that seem like easy fixes such as the rounding of the numbers and no angle compensation inside 100 yards.

I am suspicious that leica is having issues with these. for one its out of character for them to have such a terrible supply of them, while it could be anecdotal another guy claims to have issues with the glass and leica admitted the issues and have had wide spread problems.
I see your issue with not being able to angle compensate under 100 yards if you are a bow hunter. And if you are a bow hunter, these rangfinding bino's are not for you.

I think it boils down to no one is making one instrument that works for everyone's needs all the time. I have the Leica's and a G7 and the Leica works best for me for my hunting purposes. I have never taken a shot or needed to take a shot at over 1,000 yards to date. I personally did not like having to carry a rangefinder AND my bino's so that is my only drawback on the G7 rangefinder.

My buddy has a pair of Swaro's with the built in rangefinder and while he likes them, I do not. I do not like how they give you the target in one eye (the right) and the range in ther other (the left). That was a big issue to me, I could never get the bino's adjusted to fit my eyes where I could see them both at the same time. He has no problem in doing so. The Leica's have both the target and the range in one eye (the right) and it is much easier to see. I am also a little prejudiced against Swaro's as several years ago I had a pair of their bino's (with no rangefinder) that fogged up internally the first time I took them out hunting. I returned them and the second pair did the same thing the first time I took them out. With Swaro's quality product, what are the odds of that???? But it happened and I am very gun shy on Swaro's because of that (but I do use their spotting scope)

I have heard about the glass issue in some of the early issued Leica's but I have compared mine with the Swaro's side by side several times at daylight, dusk and inbetween and if there is a difference, me nor my buddy can tell it.

As for getting them on the shelves, they have been in stock at Cabela's for at least 5 months as I bought mine there and I just checked on line and they have them in stock right now. Maybe Leica caught up with the initial demand?

I have compared compensated ranges between the Leica and the G7 up to 1,000 yards several times at my range (which is not flat) and I can tell you that EVERY time it has matched within 2 yards. For me, that's close enough. Well within a minute of elk. I have never tried to use them in the MOA readout mode as I have turrets for yardage on my scopes and I don't plan to use my bino's in the MOA mode so their rounding off does not effect ME. That does not mean it will work for YOU.

It does not bother me in the least if you think they are a piece of crap, everyone has their own needs and their own opinion.

But in summing all this up...if you want a rangefinding binocular NOW that compensates, you basically have two choices. Swaro or Leica. Figure out the limits and capabilities of both and see if it works for YOU. If not, don't buy them, carry two pieces of equipment and wait for the next round of technology to see if that works for you.
Went with the G7 BR2. The G7 has all the features that I was looking for just wish it came in a high end binocular combo.
so it wont read say 14.6 MOA. It will read 15 MOA? what a piece of garbage!

That is correct either full moa, or 1/3 1/4 moa expressed as clicks.

How bloody embarrassing for Leica, with all the ballistic programs I have used, the dial up is expressed in moa ie 14.7 not 59 clicks

FGS trying to do the maths in the field, seriously....:rolleyes:

They use the G7 solution, that's available in normal moa value ????

Did they not ask anyone that actually uses this stuff.

Going to have to seriously brush up on my 4 times tables & division....

I feel a phone call coming tomorrow.

Hopefully there will be a software update available that can be put into the binos via the card to sort this frankly crazy situation, too wait all this time to have this happen.

Can't fault their ranging abilities, shame the glass isn't as good as Swaros in low light.

Extremely disappointed with the ballistic program..........
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