Leica 1200 scan


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2004
Western Colorado
My new range finder arrived today. I quickly ranged a spruce tree on the second ridge behind my house,591 yds. I'll be darned. I estimated the range, using my IOR MP8 reticle on an elk, at about 700. I drove down the hill a bit to try it out on real live elk. Wow! this unit is fast. It ranged elk from 490 - 515 yds in just a couple seconds. It is in a different class than the Newcon 1500 I bought, and promptly returned.
Okay, here's an update. Today was bright and sunny. I was able to instantly range elk out to 515 yards. Yesterday, when it was overcast, I ranged a bedded elk out at 720. Today they were bedded in the same place, but I couldn't get a read, even using the scan mode. I was able to get a read on a bush next to them, after several tries-723 yds. I also tried, yesterday, to range one sky-lined on a ridge. No luck, but again I got a read on a bush next to her-880 yards. I read an opinion on this site to expect to reliably get 40% of the stated range. That seem to be reasonably accurate so far. I do get to 600 pretty regularly, but much beyond 700 and it starts to get a little tricky. Mostly I am ranging elk, rocks, and trees. This is my first laser rangefinder, so maybe I need to learn more.
I think you're figuring it out.
That bush/tree/rock/dirt/stump works just fine, so long as you know it's not deceiving as to how far from the animal it really is. On flat ground, that can be "real" deceiving.

I found what colors, shades, light conditions etc. that my YP1000 works best on just using it all the time. The scan function on it is kind of nice if you think you may be picking up on something in between you and the intended target that you can't tell is there, like a branch etc. Other than that, I rarely use it. The target quality indicator on the bushy is very handy to tell what you're likely to get a reading on if you stay on it a tad longer and hold still. That's one function I wish the Lieca had!! I'd rather have that funcion than scan mode ANY DAY!!!

[ 02-26-2004: Message edited by: Brent ]
I'm carrying the unit in my truck with me and using it a lot to learn how to best use it. I returned the Newcon because I didn't feel it was going to work reliably. In all fairness I only used it one day, but it wouldn't range a road sign less than 200 yds. away, while it would a rock 491. It wouldn't range a bus at a little under 500. The day I tried it it was snowing very lightly, a few flakes blowing around. Visibility around 10 miles.
I had a friend who ordered a Newcon 1500 unit from Calaba's. He asked me to take it to Wy. when we hunted antelope and see how it performed. My hunting partner and I tested the RF1200 and the Newcon against the Wild Miltary optical unit, then measured with a tape and a truck across flat ground. We found the RF1200 to give good numbers, but the Newcon quit reading well at about 400-500 yds. I am also looking for a set of the Russian Miltary laser rangefinders. Does anyone know where to get them at? We also found that by ranging at the feet of the animals, we got better results than when centering the RF1200 on the chest. Anyway, we still like the RF1200 best of the 3 or 4 brands I have tested while being an outfitter. The optical units give good number after you spend the time to learn to use them and weight/bulk are not a problem.
I was ranging elk again the other day. I was out hunting coyotes, but ran into a couple bands of elk and forgot all about the 'yotes. It was late afternoon, and overcast which seem to be ideal conditions for laser ranging. The unit quickly ranged single elk in the 7-900 yd range, and when I stepped over the ridge, I was able to range a band of some 30 head at 1182 yds. I also ranged small, grape fruit sized rocks out to around 600 yards. I've been experimenting with 52 gr JLK .22 LD bullets out of my 22-250, and came very close to hitting the rocks, but I guess that's a subject for another thread. I sure do like this range finder anyway.
I really like my Leica 1200. What really helps in long ranging with the laser is a steddy hold. I rest mine on top of the spotting scope, or get down on a rock or stump. I have ranged out to 1180 yards, and range to 1000 regularly.

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