Non expanding pointed bullets at high velocity are worthless on big game. The bigger the game the more worthless they are. The higher the velocity the more worthless they are.
The pointed bullet separates the tissue and creates a wound cavity the same size of the diameter of the bullet. Due to this,very little energy and hydrostatic shock is dispersed in the animal. The remaining energy leaves with the bullet when it exits the animal.
Expanding bullets expand into a blunt bulldozer that rips through the tissue creating a wide bleeding channel and massive amounts of hydrostatic shock. This is the energy that is expelled in the animal. MAKE NO MISTAKE this is the killing factor of the combination of the bullet and how it delivers the energy, even on a poor placed shot.
The higher the velocity the higher the friction that is INDUCED in to bullet. From the barrel to the air the bullet is heated to temperatures that most do not understand. This heated bullet as it is passing through the flesh, organs, capillaries and arteries is searing (burning) the channels bleeding surface so it bleeds very little. Definitely not what you want.
This is the reason that some states make them illegal to hunt with.
To bluntly answer the question....One would be a unethical dumba$$ to even use this bullet to hunt with.