Theres a set of four fingers that are attached to the portion of the die that moves at the bottom of the die. When you run a case into it, the shellholder will come into contact with that moving portion, and it will move up just a bit... then stop. At that point give it a good 25-30lb push. This squeexes those 4 fingers against the case neck, untill the inside of the neck comes into contact with the mandrel in the center of the die. when the pressure is released, the fingers open, the brass expands .001" and the brass is removed. The only thing that you will nottice has changed, is once fired brass is slightly less tight when running it up the mandrel, and a bit tighter when its being withdrawn. if you FL sized new brass, then ran it into the collet die, there is virtually no change in neck dimensions since the expander ball is designed to give the same diameter as the mandrel in the collet die.
Am I making sense?