Lee case length gauge

GW Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 2, 2015
Orangevale, Ca
i've been checking out the lee case length gauge and it seems pretty straight forward. What I am not clear on is how do you trim to a certain length with them? For example, the package for a 300 win mag says it trims between 2.600 and 2.620, which is max to minimum. Do you just bottom out the guide and get what you get?
Looks like it. Honestly when I bought my lee kit when I first started out I couldnt figure out what those pieces were for or how to use them so I bought the lee delux quick trim ( I think its called) which allows you to adjust the length. I'm sure there's better tools out there for trimming cases but I always get +- .001 so I'm satisfied
i have seen lee case trimmers that did not cut a true square mouth. fast and accurate are seldom found at the same place.
there is hunting accuracy, and then there is real accuracy.
If you're just trimming cases, I don't see how the Lee setup could possibly hinder accuracy. If you want cases shorter just polish a few thou off of the gauge. As for volume; I can trim way faster with my Lee than I can with my Forster unit.
Ar10, I've trimmed on rcbs trimmers, Forster trimmers, Wilson trimmers and my groups have never changed. I picked up a lee setup to try out. I can trim just as fast on any one of those trimmers
i've been checking out the lee case length gauge and it seems pretty straight forward. What I am not clear on is how do you trim to a certain length with them? For example, the package for a 300 win mag says it trims between 2.600 and 2.620, which is max to minimum. Do you just bottom out the guide and get what you get?
Yes you just bottom the guide out, I use a LEE shell holder and a drill and yes there is no adjustment but all the ones I have used are dead on and repeat dead on
i have seen lee case trimmers that did not cut a true square mouth. fast and accurate are seldom found at the same place.
there is hunting accuracy, and then there is real accuracy.
I've never seen that but I'm sure anything can happen, This is Long Range Hunting not Bench Rest Central last time I checked and please define "Real Accuracy" please
OK, Tested the Lee case length trimmer last night on 223. I trimmed several makes of brass including military and found over all length to be close, however there were HUGE variations of neck length because the tool stops at the case web. Your neck length will vary depending on the thickness of the case web. I had one brand that the neck length was 1/2 what it should be and had to be trashed and the lee tool went to the trash right behind it. It wasn't any faster than my Wilson trimmer and no where near as accurate and consistent. Garbage
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