Lazer engraving over bluing

Well I took some bottom metal over and messed around with some laser engraving. This is how it turned out over the bluing. For reference that ram is the size of a postage stamp. We could do calibers, names, some customization, any clipart.


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We messed with it a few years ago to mark calibers and our shop name. Every experiment was eventually ruled a fail. For the caliber it cannot cut the required depth. Over any of the coatings it makes that spot really prone to rusting. Even on stainless it does something to the surface that makes the engraving really prone to rusting. If you blast it with aluminum oxide to prep for Cerakote it blows right off. It's okay for decoration but no where near deep enough to be used for permanent marking.

One other issue was getting longer products in the engraver. Those laser engravers must have the lid shut before they will go. A 30" barrel on a 10 receiver needs a really big machine.

We ended buying a real $3000 pantograph with a motorized head to actually cut the engraving. A diamond drag doesn't really go deep enough unless you have a day to go over it time after time. We can do art work just like that. I have a place we can send line art and they will make us a plate to trace.
Huh, this seems to be pretty deep, not like machine engraving though. I'm having a receiver for a shotgun done on Friday I'll post some pics. The big thing is the wood would be really nice. They do all kinds of metal, aluminum things it even cuts then stuff. On the stainless couldn't you use some cermark or something like that and coat the inside of the engraving? plus make it show a black.

Thanks for the info. I'm definitely getting the receiver done on Friday so I'll post some pics
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