Last Couple Hogs

Captn C

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2007
I live in the outdoors, but ihave to stay in the H
We made quick trip down Saturday morning to fill feeders and while we were there I stalked this little pig.

I had the wifes AR-15 chambered in 7.62X39...sure wish I could get my hands on another kit like this one! I am waiting to hear back from Blackthorne Products to see if I can at least get another 20". Seems every time I use this little caliber I am more amazed at what kind of damage it can do. Combined with the AR platform it surre is fun little rig to shoot too!

The ammo is some ammo I bought from a guy that is labeled Russian Hunting Ammo. They are hollow point bi-metal...I assume 123 gr. But they sure pack some punch, they last two animals shot with this ammo the bullet entered in the neck and exited on the point of the off shoulder. Both of course where bang/flop and never moved.

Here is the little pig (just a bit < 100lbs)gun)


Also right before Christmas I shot another one with my bow. It was a nice 150lb class hog that was quartering away. I was using the Crimson Talon is two blade with little angled bleeder blades...


The shot entered here and exited though the area where the valves were...needless to say he didn't go far!
Nicely done Capt. I got a couple over the past weekend myself (finially) with my Raging Bull in 454. That was a hoot. Walked up on them sunning Saturday afternoon and had one shot go completely length wise of a 180'ish sow. Slowed her down and took a finisher behind the ear. The other one was hit about an inch behind the noce and it came out behind the last rid on the left side. They were both looking right at me in disbelief when I fired the first shot into the chest of the first one. The second shot was the nose hit as she raised up to leave the area.

Got to remember though with that one I need to keep ear plugs in or wear the Peltors while hunting. Would have loved to have gotten pic's but the camera was in the truck with the wife and she and didn't make back it till after the cleaning was over.
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