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For Sale LARGE SELECTION of 6.5mm and 7mm Bullets


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2010
Springfield, MO
I Have been doing a lot of load development for various friends as well as for my own rifles and have accumulated more bullets than I can use at this point as these projects have wound down. I will price them individually on a "per box" basis and if I have multiples a "group" price will be indicated by adding ($0.00) beyond the individual price. I will need to work up shipping costs and try to be as accommodating as possible with whatever packages are purchased. This is likely to get complicated but I will update things as quickly as possible.

7mm bullets
175g Berger Elite Hunter (2 boxes), same lot....................................................................................$63 ($115)
160g Hornady CX (2 boxes, one sealed, one opened but with all bullets) same lot..........................$39 ($75)
180g Berger Hybrid Target (3 boxes, 2 are same lot,1has a lot# that is unmarked on factory box)..$60 ($175)
175g Hornady ELD-X sealed .............................................................................................................$35
145g Barnes LRX sealed....................................................................................................................$40
Purchasing all the 7mm rounds entitles the buyer to receive free shipping............$440

6.5mm bullets

147g Hornady ELD-M different lots, sealed.......................................................................................$32 ($60)
140g Berger Hybrid Target (100 sealed plus 78 of the same lot)........................................................$75(both)
130g Hornady ELD-M (100 sealed plus 48 of the same lot)...............................................................$46(both)
123g Hornady A-Max (2 sealed boxes..50 rounds each...different lots).............................................$45(both)
140g Sierra HPBT (100 rounds, sealed)..............................................................................................$39
123g Sierra HPBT (400...4 boxes...3 sealed and 1 open but full)........................................................$35($120)
140g Sierra Spitzer (57 bullets)............................................................................................................$25
120g Nosler Balistic Tips (43 rounds)...................................................................................................$30
129g Nosler Accubonds (27 rounds)....................................................................................................$15
122g Lehigh Controlled Copper Chaos (47 rounds).............................................................................$45
139g Lapua Scenar (49 rounds)............................................................................................................$20
Purchasing all the 6.5 rounds entitles the buyer to receive free shipping.................$520
I have found that having random bullets in small quantities on the bench is very handy when searching for a bullet a given rifle might like. Frequently it comes in very handy since I don't have to go and buy a whole box of something just to test.

Please feel free to contact me about packages and I will do my best to accommodate you and ship in the most economical way possible.
Thank you for looking!
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