Land out west with best non res hunting opportunity


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2012
Ontario Canada
Im looking to buy some land out western USA. Right now a small parcel backing some public land. Big enough to build a small hunting camp and out building.

Need to have easy to get draws or OTC tags for as many big game species as possible.
-elk, Muley, black bear, goats, moose, whitetail, cats

Any place I have to go through a licensed guide or need to rely on a resident, forget it.

I've been looking around Missoula Montana at the moment, but also interested in Wyoming, Utah, Idaho.

Any suggestions or goofy laws

Like Wyoming non residents can't hunt wilderness areas? Is there still other public land open for non res?

Thank you
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Like everyone out west, I'd prefer you stayed where you were,,hahahaha. But, if you had to come out, Idaho is really decent for tags, license and hunting. Read the regs carefully, you pick the wrong tag or wrong area and you are stuck with your bad choice. If they have extras or tags turned back into the state, they sell them again. They are also very nice to vets with disability ratings higher than 40%.
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