Ladder test question


Feb 24, 2020
The only round I have found that shoots well thru my Fierce 28 Nosler is the factory 160 AB. I want to shoot a heavier bullet if I could for more energy out past 800 yards to nock down an elk. So I'm going to do my first ladder test using RE33. My question is, If I find the powder charge node the gun likes and I change bullets (possibly heavier) down the road will I have to do the ladder test again? Also if I find the gun for example shoot likes 160 AB at 3100 fps will a different powder pushing the same bullets at the same speed still be in the node? I figure if I change powders I'll have to do a new ladder test. With the limited availability of powders these days who knows what will be avaliable. I may need to change powders according to avaliabilty not necessarily on what the gun likes.
Did your Fierce come with a proof target?
1:8.5" twist? I would be running a 180+ bullet if it were mine. 180 Hyb, 184 Hyb, 190 LR Hyb. 195 EOL would probably work too.
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