Kydex case for my Terrapin


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2012
I made a case out of Kydex for my Terrapin.. I wanted to use a S4 Lockdown bino harness for hunting and couldn't find anything that was made for the Terrapin with two anchor rings…


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How did you make it so perfect?

Hi sp6X6

I watched a lot of you tube video on how they make kydex cases for knives and guns and after 5 tries, I finally got it to fit like a glove… The good thing about kydex is that you can always re-heat it and start all over…

My main purpose for the RF is for hunting. I always liked the S4 Gear Lockdown, but it didn't work for the Terrapin. I tried looking for something that would work with my Terrapin, and after finding nothing on the internet, I decided to make something myself.. I hope you guys like it..

Thank you for your interest.. If you find yourself in my shoes, give it a try, it wasn't hard.

I will post some pictures to give you an idea…
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Looks great. When are you going into production? Just kidding but, I would like more information if you are willing.

Okay Canderson here it is:

First I made a template out of regular paper in order to get the measurements and the back hole aligned in the correct location.. Since I was using 1/8" thick kydex, I made another template out of cardboard because of it's similar thickness.. I used the cardboard template to fine tune the length I needed to wrap the Kydex around the RF .. I centered the paper template over the cardboard template and transferred the back hole… THERE IS A FRONT AND BACK SIDE TO THE KYDEX SO BE CAREFUL.. YOU WILL ALSO NEED TO KEEP TRACK OF TOP AND BOTTOM, SINCE THE HOLE ON THE TERRAPIN IS NOT CENTERED.. Once I got the cardboard to work, I transferred the measurements to the Kydex.


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After I got everything to work. I set the oven at 350 degrees and heated the Kydex.. I checked it every minute and when it was soft enough I screwed it to the back of the Terrapin and rolled it in a towel, immediately afterwards, I put it under my mattress for about 20 minutes..


1- When you roll it into the towel always apply pressure to get a tight wrap..
2- The sides were the hardest to conform, so when you put it under the mattress, make sure you don't lay the RF flat, stand it on it's side..
3- Be carful not to over heat the Kydex…

The screw:

Once you get the Kydex - go to Home Depot and find something that will work for you. I found a screw in my tool box which I used with a washer and it worked well, I did have to cut a piece off.

I hope this helped.. If you have any questions, you know where to find me.. LOL


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Kydex - Racers Edge 9x12x1/8" Kydex Bldg Material (RCE5617) | RC Planet

D Rings - Craft Inc. - 1424 D Ring Hanger

Chicago Screws -™ : Knife & Gun Making Supplies and Tools Mounting Hardware

Here is the video I used.. I used a regular table saw with a carbide CROSS CUT blade.. I also used a regular drill bit and cleaned the edges with a utility knife…

P.S. I have extra screws and D Rings, if you show me that you are serious about making one of these I will send what you need at no charge.. I'm not doing this for the money, I just wanted to have more options when it came to my RangeFinder...
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I hear you... You really got to love what we do..

I'll be going out in 2 weeks up to Westchester NY, can't wait to see how they hold up...
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