Kowa Highlander


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2008
Does anyone here have one of these? Looked thru my buddies and could not believe what i could see. Think i better send santa a letter early.
We used the angled Highlanders on the Army Rifle Team (USAMU) for both across-the-course and long range shooting. We eventually replaced most of the the old Unertl 100mm Coach/Team Scopes with Highlanders.

SFC Emil Praslick said they're so good not only can he see mirage but he can see layers of mirage at different heights above the ground. The binocular effect also lessens eyestrain.

You can get either the 24mm eyepieces or 32mms (or you can interchange for mid and longer ranges). Note there are two distinctly different Highlanders -- standard and Prominar (Fluroite "High definition" lenses for lack of a better term).

The Army Sniper School has pretty much replaced all their Unertls as well.

his was the standard eyepiece says the other one birdwatchers really get in to. He sat this up after dark and with the street lights only was watching cars on a interstste 4 miles away you could tell the model of them with your eye only you knew something was moving only. They would be the ultimate lr glassas.
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