Kentucky Gunsmith??


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2021
Looking for a reliable, proven smith in KY. I have all parts needed for my build. 700 SA, Carbon 6 barrel blank, McMillan stock, Hawkins brake. It will be chambered to 6mm Creed. I need barrel chambered, action blueprinted, threaded muzzle, brake turned, action bedded, Cerakote work, and I'm sure some other details I'm not thinking of. Any recommendations would be helpful.
Looking for a reliable, proven smith in KY. I have all parts needed for my build. 700 SA, Carbon 6 barrel blank, McMillan stock, Hawkins brake. It will be chambered to 6mm Creed. I need barrel chambered, action blueprinted, threaded muzzle, brake turned, action bedded, Cerakote work, and I'm sure some other details I'm not thinking of. Any recommendations would be helpful.
Looking for a reliable, proven smith in KY. I have all parts needed for my build. 700 SA, Carbon 6 barrel blank, McMillan stock, Hawkins brake. It will be chambered to 6mm Creed. I need barrel chambered, action blueprinted, threaded muzzle, brake turned, action bedded, Cerakote work, and I'm sure some other details I'm not thinking of. Any recommendations would be helpful.
Okay. Here we go! 👍 I've sent a couple LRH members to Brandon and they've been very pleased with his work. Here's his site:

As far as Cerakote goes check out Ricco Tuminello at 'Black Dove Customs'. He has Cerakoted 2 barreled actions for me (and scope rings, too) so far and his work is top notch!

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