Just A Friendly Public Service Announcement


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2012
West Terre Haute Indiana



broke\ ˈbrōk \; broken\ ˈbrō-kən \; breaking

Definition of break

(Entry 1 of 2)
transitive verb
1a: to separate into parts with suddenness or violencebroke a plate


noun (1)

\ ˈbrāk \

Definition of brake

(Entry 1 of 6)
1: a device for arresting or preventing the motion of a mechanism usually by means of frictionapply the brakestook his foot off the brake
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broke\ ˈbrōk \; broken\ ˈbrō-kən \; breaking

Definition of break

(Entry 1 of 2)
transitive verb
1a: to separate into parts with suddenness or violencebroke a plate


noun (1)

\ ˈbrāk \

Definition of brake

(Entry 1 of 6)
1: a device for arresting or preventing the motion of a mechanism usually by means of frictionapply the brakestook his foot off the brake
Now you've done it! I had a similar post before and apparently, I offended some members. 😇
I have one muzzle brake that throws so much concussion back it will break or throw stuff off the bench!
Gonna swap it out for another😜
The first post that I read this morning was in a different language, but after coffee, I went back and understood. I am bi-lingual, but only after coffee. While in the Army, I learned to speak both New Hampshire and Texan. When I told my Mom that I was bi-lingual, she said she would love no matter what my sexual preference was.
The first post that I read this morning was in a different language, but after coffee, I went back and understood. I am bi-lingual, but only after coffee. While in the Army, I learned to speak both New Hampshire and Texan. When I told my Mom that I was bi-lingual, she said she would love no matter what my sexual preference was.
Spitting coffe.gif
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