Thank you for your interest,
I do shoot long range, got interested in F/TR....And I do shoot matches at ASC and sum thousand yard events at Williamsport, although its been a couple years since visiting that range.
My curiosity and my nature to take things to extremes drive my madness at times..
My hopes are that I can check bullets to see how consistant the run out is in jacket and core in different manufactures and I wish to venture into making bullets for myself... Just want to be able to check my product..
It seems to me that possibly, inconsistants in bullet dies and during the seatting and point up that something occurs to give run out.
Thinking that jackets may become distorted or streached wrongly to cause run out.
Verns machine has the ability to indicate varriations in jacket and core after making the bullet.
Possibly with well made dies , cores , jackets, workmanship may not need to worry..
Just shoot and see what happens.
What are your thoughts?