I'm loath to raise my head above the parapet in this world of keyboard bravery, but I think this post is 'wasted energy'..some like BDCs, some don't. Enough said. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Given your apparent propensity to 'tune' other members of this site; I though I would provide you with a little friendly feedback, take it as you wish:
1. In several posts here and in other threads you have repetitively linked to this 'BDC Myth Exposed' site; I'm sorry but whoever produced that page is clearly 'holding on too tight' ..it is obsessive. As is your (over)vigorous defence (defense!)of your viewpoint. Please let it lie.
2. Your 'SPAM' point to 2 other LRH regulars could be considered rather arrogant and offensive.
...this is meant well, and by no means intended to initiate a 'keyboard duel' (well, you won't get one from me!) ......remember, the fact we're here makes it likely we'd all be friends over a pint /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
I'm loath to raise my head above the parapet in this world of keyboard bravery, but I think this post is 'wasted energy'..some like BDCs, some don't. Enough said. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Given your apparent propensity to 'tune' other members of this site; I though I would provide you with a little friendly feedback, take it as you wish:
1. In several posts here and in other threads you have repetitively linked to this 'BDC Myth Exposed' site; I'm sorry but whoever produced that page is clearly 'holding on too tight' ..it is obsessive. As is your (over)vigorous defence (defense!)of your viewpoint. Please let it lie.
2. Your 'SPAM' point to 2 other LRH regulars could be considered rather arrogant and offensive.
...this is meant well, and by no means intended to initiate a 'keyboard duel' (well, you won't get one from me!) ......remember, the fact we're here makes it likely we'd all be friends over a pint /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif