Jarvis .17 HMR barrel?


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2004
I've got a chance to pick up a .17 HMR varmint taper barrel for a 77-22M. Anybody have any experience or knowledge of this barrel?

Thanks, Tom
Let us know how it shoots. I've got a 77/17 that I put a Green Mountain 22 mag barrel on that shoots amazing. I'd really like to find a good deal and have a great 17 barrel to go along with it.
I went ahead and got the barrel. With a little lathe and mill work, fitted it to a pre-accutrigger Savage 93R17. Just finished bedding it into a Boyd's stock today. May get to shoot it tomorrow. I'll let you know if I do.

I've heard good things about the Green Mountain barrels. I want to put together a .22 Mag with a Lilja barrel. The Savage Magnum rifle is less than 1/2 the cost of an Anschutz donor, so it'll probably be on a Savage action.

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