I been looking at these for a while and have a couple questions. I want to have at least 2 automatic different selections that run back to back with no actions or press 1 or 2 buttons-then-pause or stop then start up again on pressing one button etc., can the cheaper SpitFire TX-24 give me the same events -other than FOXBANG- as the (+$100) WildFire TX-9?
I would like, but not required, to have several mapped out sounds so they just play and loop back around... will they both do that? Also, looks like I got to buy the $50 plug / usb device to add different sounds? Can I add the action tail to both or got to go to $399 to get that?
OR, any one else that can expand on the value of the +$100 cost. I read the difference in the 2 screens and it is not required for me to see more than 1 line at a time.
Thanks for any help.