Is a Sig Kilo 2400 ABS worth getting?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
I currently have a Gunwerks G7 rangefinder and thought about getting the sig for a couple reasons.

More advanced in several ways basically sums it up. The 2 biggest reasons is the applied ballistic program for a more detailed input and it's a much smaller unit to carry around. Is it a good rangefinder and worth the money?
With that said I've never had any issues with the G7.
I love mine.Before that I had a terrapin that ranged great but took a dump, more to fix than worth,Sigs much smaller.Grey fox on here really likes his G7,think he has sig too
I have a Vortex Fury AB on order to replace my G7 BR2500...I like the idea of 10x binoculars vs a 7x monocular. I expect the AB to be on par or better than a 3 yr old product but am expecting a big jump up in optics quality. But I'm not selling my G7 until I see how they compare.
Have a shooting/hunting buddy that had a G7, then sold it to me after buying a Sig 2400 ABS. Although I do just fine with the G7, his Sig has a smaller beam, the programming is easier, and it is smaller. Having said that, sometimes the size is not necessarily an advantage. But overall, the Sig is a better unit.
I have a gen 1 G7BR2 , and I have the sig 2400ABS . the sig is smaller , making it easier to carry . the sig gives a solution out to as far as it will range . I think the G7 gives a solution to 1100 yards . the sig does consider more environmentals than the G7 does ; direction of fire , and spin drift ,to name a couple . I've never taken my G7 along to see how far it will range on our steel targets . the sig ranges a 20 inch plate at 1600 yards most of the time . a 30 inch plate at 2050 yards , it gets a reading once in a while . a 30 inch plate at 2375 yards , it never got a reading . I forget the target sizes for sure , but these are close . the targets are painted white , and are placed in the open .

I do like the sig for the smaller size , and longer distance solutions . if your shooting out to800 or 1000 yards . there's probably not enough difference to say one is better than the other .
I've been using the Sig for two seasons and it has always been reliable and highly accurate. It is easy to use, easy to carry and best of all its fast. I was able to range a rock in the woods at 1,673Y, get my solution, and put rounds on target. I hunt with seven other guys and everyone of them wants to get one but won't spend the money on it. They don't get cold bore hits like I do so I guess there ya go. The Sig 2400ABS is the best tool I have.
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