Iron Sight Inc?????


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2009
Hey guy's,
any one know what the deal is with Iron Sight Inc... Scope repair and service out of Tulsa OK? I been trying to get a message into them for sometime; for work on a couple of scopes... it's the old mail full, email seems goes through; send another an it's returned..??
I know their hook into the Leatherwood product sales some how, and Mike Sexton is the honcho, I've spoke with Mike at the Shot Show in the past seems like a really nice guy; but contacting them is like dealing with our Gov... Phone numbers, emails and no replies.
Any help on their status would be appreciated.
Thanks all'.., take care, stay safe.
Hey guy's,
any one know what the deal is with Iron Sight Inc... Scope repair and service out of Tulsa OK? I been trying to get a message into them for sometime; for work on a couple of scopes... it's the old mail full, email seems goes through; send another an it's returned..??
I know their hook into the Leatherwood product sales some how, and Mike Sexton is the honcho, I've spoke with Mike at the Shot Show in the past seems like a really nice guy; but contacting them is like dealing with our Gov... Phone numbers, emails and no replies.
Any help on their status would be appreciated.
Thanks all'.., take care, stay safe.
If you don't mind me saying...given the difficulty in communicating with them, you may want to look elsewhere for service. Just my 2 cents.
I understand ... but after making contact with the office they said; they had quite a back log... and asked; if I was welling to wait 6 months... which in the over all picture is fine with me at this time... I also understand the owner is a working LEO as well as entrepreneur of a small business, I've done that.... and time is an abstract concept most days.
Thanks for the concern and feed back. :)
I understand ... but after making contact with the office they said; they had quite a back log... and asked; if I was welling to wait 6 months... which in the over all picture is fine with me at this time... I also understand the owner is a working LEO as well as entrepreneur of a small business, I've done that.... and time is an abstract concept most days.
Thanks for the concern and feed back. :)

Understandanle...sounds like it may workout for you.
I sent a redfield target scope to them in march 2010 now it is middle of august still no scope! Jan the lady whom i communicate with is very nice.
She always tells me there is a 5 to 6 month backlog on scopes. Maybe this tells me there is only one repairman working on scopes. I heard you don't want to send a scope to the place in fl. Think i will call jan tomorrow.
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