Info / help on installation of NF two piece base


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2017
Belton, TX
I'm installing a Night Force 20 MOA two piece base (A114) on a Rem 700 SA. I can tell which is the front half and rear half...but which is the correct orientation of each half? They are not marked in any way that makes any sense to me and it looks like they could fit either direction. I know it must make a difference but I can't find any instruction that explain. Thanks for the help.
To give it that 20 moa cant the front of each piece of base has to be smaller than the rear. Just measure front and back of each. Smaller will be forward orientation. I feel dumb. Of course that makes sense. I measured and it was easy to see which is the muzzle end. Thanks for the help.
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