Income tax return ...


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2008
Great Falls, MT
I wish, we paid just shy of $5K on federal and state. :( :( :(

We maxed out on deductions, tax deferment, tax shelter ... we'll have to figure out a better way for next year.

Not complaining, just wanted a better way to spend the $5K. :):Dgun)
.............I wish, we paid just shy of $5K on federal and state. :( :( :......We maxed out on deductions, tax deferment, tax shelter ... we'll have to figure out a better way for next year.........

I'm stuck some place between trade you, and I feel your pain.

Kids are gone, and I barely made the itemize threshold.

I just wish it would go for more than changing the signs on the bathrooms.
Man I feel you bud. I haven't seen a return in 10 years!!!! Don't feel to bad on the 5k I owe Uncle Sam 20k for last year!!!! No bueno!!
I'm stuck some place between trade you, and I feel your pain.

Kids are gone, and I barely made the itemize threshold.

I just wish it would go for more than changing the signs on the bathrooms.

Same here!

man i feel you bud. I haven't seen a return in 10 years!!!! Don't feel to bad on the 5k i owe uncle sam 20k for last year!!!! No bueno!!

Well, you should feel good. just look at all those people that you helped out that don't want to work.............:rolleyes:
If it makes you feel better, I got hosed for more than that. I always just shake my head.

Well, you should feel good......just look at all those people that you helped out that don't want to work.............:rolleyes:.......

While I've never minded helping those without a pot to **** in, I never imagined public buildings would require more than 2 choices:rolleyes:, much less some kind of Baskin Robbins 33 choices affair.:D

The things people with no jobs think of while the rest of us are at work.
Guys, take out your frustration at the polls. Liberal candidates want your guns, all your income over a certain amount and want to give away even more money to the IWW's. (I Won't Work). If this bothers you, you'll have to part with a few bucks and some precious time to help elect the candidates which will help not hurt you. If not for your sake, do it for your kids and grandkids.
i'm beyond all that,we owed this year,for the first time since i got married 14 yrs ago.and me and the wife make less than ever.all i could do was tell the irs they got enough from us and there is nothing else to give em.
Well, you should feel good. just look at all those people that you helped out that don't want to work.............:rolleyes:
If it makes you feel better, I got hosed for more than that. I always just shake my head.


L:DL! Randy, I think it would have been worse have I not maxed out my IRA ($6500 IIRC) and Thrift Savings Plan (28% of my pay) contributions ... yes I consider myself very blessed. My wife doing similar to mine.

Guys, take out your frustration at the polls. Liberal candidates want your guns, all your income over a certain amount and want to give away even more money to the IWW's. (I Won't Work). If this bothers you, you'll have to part with a few bucks and some precious time to help elect the candidates which will help not hurt you. If not for your sake, do it for your kids and grandkids.

Yes, I always do my part in the process.

Let's look at it this way; Fenix, look at all the money you didn't loan the gub'mt at a zero interest rate for a whole year!! That's the part hat gets to me! " You mean I get back my own money after you held on to it for a whole year? "Yay!!:rolleyes: However, if I don't do it, you get to charge me interest for not paying? The mafia could take a few pointers...lightbulb
Let's look at it this way; Fenix, look at all the money you didn't loan the gub'mt at a zero interest rate for a whole year!! That's the part hat gets to me! " You mean I get back my own money after you held on to it for a whole year? "Yay!!:rolleyes: However, if I don't do it, you get to charge me interest for not paying? The mafia could take a few pointers...lightbulb

I hear you but I'd rather reduce or eliminate that if all possible. :cool:
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