If you had an extra grand???


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2006
Try not to think about current rifles and what they shoot. If you had an extra 1000.00 what 2 powders would you buy to cover all of your future needs???
I would stock up on varget and retumbo, my 2 favorites for the 308 and 7RUM, then I would get a couple jugs of that cheap mil-surp 870 equivalent. I think I could get by with those three for quite a while. If I could add one more I would get something mil surp that is about the burn rate of BLC2.
VH not worried yet!! I did deliver a 100 pounds this week on the brown truck though... It got me thinking!!!
When these zombie threads pop up its interesting to run the inflation numbers.

The .gov mainstream calculator would place 1k at just shy of 1500 $. Have kept price records on powder purchases since 06, looking at what I bought in Sept of 08 I'd need 23-2500$ to replicate what 1k would buy in powder back then... well that and months to wait for it.
Try not to think about current rifles and what they shoot. If you had an extra 1000.00 what 2 powders would you buy to cover all of your future needs???
RL26 and RL16 (but I'd really love to be able to get RL33 as well) but you said only 2
Cutting off supply to the US is a big kick in the weenis
wow look at this old thread, $1000 gets you one powder these days! who new obama was the good old days! sad where things are!
Pre Obama, I bought primers by the sleeve (100) and one pound of powder at a time. Everything was readily available on the shelf at Sportsman's Warehouse whenever I wanted it. No need to hoard and why bother buying a full 8lb jug? Even in the "good times" since then, local inventory is hit or miss (mostly miss). I pretty much deal with online retailers now. Shipping and hazmat charges are just part of the cost of play.

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