Re: I wear glass\'es
I wear trifocals & I'm having a heck of a time shooting from the bench. I always have a problem with a split image between the top and middle lens, when looking through the scope. Nothing works like it used to when I was 35-40 years old. I can't tip my head back far enough to consistently see through the middle lens & I can't bend my head down without seeing partly over the top of my glasses and partly through the top lens..
About the only thing I can think of, is to get bifocals with either the two top lens or the two bottom lenses.
I've got a little taller rear bag that might help. I sat on a shorter stool at the range & that helped a little, but I haven't found a good solution yet. The top of the benches seem about 4-6 inches too low. Maybe the club will allow me to make some spaces to put under the bench legs.
Any solution I think of, I drive 50 miles each way to shoot & if it doesn't work, I'm screwed for another day.
I'm actually shocked searches turn up very little & what I do find isn't a solution.
This is driving me nuts!
Maybe I need to build a smaller adjustable sub platform which is large enough for for my adjustable rest, rear bag & left arm???????