I think my Barrel is done for


Well-Known Member
Dec 26, 2009
Big Horn Basin, Wyoming
I have a tikka 25-06 that has always been a 1/4-1/2" gun. after several thousand rounds I decided it had been a while since I last shot it on paper. big mistake! 2" group! I have tried everything. retorqued rings made sure they were on tight and the alignment bars still line up. cleaned the crap out of it and looked in it with a bore scope, the throat is quite a bit longer than it used to be. However I am still able to seat the bullet out far enough to still touch the lans. so I seated my barnes tsx back where they were before the throat erosion, 2" i tried it right on the lans 2" tried way off the lans...2" tried accubonds..2" took it apart retorqued and re seated against the aluminum recoil lug (which does show wear) I tried a different scope... im out of ideas. I was thinking about trying some tubbs throat maintenance bullets out of desperation.... does anyone else have any ideas that I could try?this rifle has a little over 1500 rounds down it. worst case scenario im gonna rebarrel it. but i want to make sure its truly shot out before i tear it apart. its been an amazingly reliable and accurate rifle for the $500 i spent on it.
I used some of the Final Finish bullets on my gun, and I can't say if accuracy improved, because I switched bullets, but the new loads are shooting under 1/2" and the barrel does clean easier.
Mike, if you have been shooting the solid coppers in it I would strongly urge you to get a bottle of BoreTech CU+2 and go in after the copper. Nothing else works like this stuff and I have tried many many cleaners for years. I have fixed several 2" guns after they have been used with the Barnes TSX's. Especially high velocity rifles like a 25-06.

Broz. I have been using that stuff. Its my go to cleaner. I also use JB's to help scrub it out.. I'm going to clean and scrub and try to see if I'm missing anything but the bore scope says its clean. And there are no tight spots in the barrel.
Broz. I have been using that stuff. Its my go to cleaner. I also use JB's to help scrub it out.. I'm going to clean and scrub and try to see if I'm missing anything but the bore scope says its clean. And there are no tight spots in the barrel.

Cool Mike, You know how it gets after copper then. Hope you get her fixed up. A new Broughton 5 C tube might be just what the Doc ordered.:)

Good Luck!

Hi Mike

In our last pm exchange I forgot to mention that Roedale Precision has rebarrel kits for the Tikka T3. They include a action wrench, vice, and a nut like a Savage.

I haven't tried them personally since I haven't been lucky enough to shoot out a barrel yet, but it might be worth looking into.
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