I think I found the magic load for my 7 SAUM!!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2008
Far Southern Illinois
I've switched from 168 gr Bergers to the 180s and I tried out H-1000. My goal was to push them over 2900 fps, 2950 if possible. I worked up from 62 gr to 64.5 gr. The 64.5 velocity was right at 2950 fps. However, 63 gr looks to be the magic number. The velocity was at 2890 fps and ES of 7 fps. I'll easily give up 60 fps for the group it shot.

The group measures .54" vertical and .35" horizontal. That calculates to approximately .18 MOA x .12 MOA, not bad for 300 yds. :D I'll load up some more and verify everything in the next few days.
I have been trying to get my Rem Model 700 in 7mmSAUM to shoot 168 VLD's . I have gotten some good groups using IMR-7828 but I have yet to try the 180's. It looks like you have found a great load.
How long is your barrel? Getting 2900 out of the 180's would be quite a feat for me since I thought that getting 2950 with 160 Accubonds and 160 TSX's was good.
I have been trying to get my Rem Model 700 in 7mmSAUM to shoot 168 VLD's . I have gotten some good groups using IMR-7828 but I have yet to try the 180's. It looks like you have found a great load.
How long is your barrel? Getting 2900 out of the 180's would be quite a feat for me since I thought that getting 2950 with 160 Accubonds and 160 TSX's was good.

It's 28" with a 1-8.6 twist. I was able to get the 180s up to 2950 with good accuracy(.5 MOA), but it was nowhere near the group in the photo. I was shooting the 168s with RL17 with .5 MOA accuracy. Also try 4831sc, H-1000, and H-4350. I would shoot and look for fps consistency, then use that load and work on the seating depth for groups. Good luck.gun)
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