I need help with binocular choice


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2010
I am ready to purchase what will probably be my last pair of hunting binoculars. I don't want to skimp, but don't want to waste money paying for something that I can't even tell the difference in something cheaper...lol
I live in ND and don't have anywhere that I can try these side by side, so thats out. I will have to try to make a decision and then just be happy with whatever I buy. Here are the deals I am trying to chose from..

Swarovski Demo 10x42 el in perfect condition and couple month old......................................$2000.00
Lecia Ultravid HD'S (standard hd, NOT hd pluss) 10x42 with green armor BRAND NEW...........$1600.00
Swarovski SLC 10x42 Used but look brand new Only two months old..................................$1200.00
Zeiss Victory HT 8x42 used but look brand new ALSO only about a month old.......................$1250.00
I also live in ND and couldnt really test any of them out either. I just ordered the new EL's with swarovision 10x42. Havnt got them yet but am very excited to see them. I have a swaro spotting scope and am a brand loyal kind of guy. The main reason I chose the EL's was the open bridge design, clarity is claimed to be unreal, and swarovski's warranty and customer service compared to the other top brands. I ordered the demo pair of el's off of bearbasin.net and they quickly called me saying someone had just purchased that pair off their site and made me a great deal a new pair that I couldnt pass up. I should have them later this week and I can tell you what I think.
While these are not on your list, have a look at Nikon Monarch 7 10x30. They are very light and exceptionally clear.
Best of all they are a lot less expensive than the others.
If you are considering spending $2000, I would say shop around more and find a pair of Swarovski EL Range.'s I've had mine for 3 seasons now and never leave without them. Takes away the need for an additional item in your pack and quality is awesome....IMHO....

Good luck!!

From your list I would get the slc's for $1200. Best buy. I agree if your going to spend 2k spend a little more and get the range
I am ready to purchase what will probably be my last pair of hunting binoculars. I don't want to skimp, but don't want to waste money paying for something that I can't even tell the difference in something cheaper...lol
I live in ND and don't have anywhere that I can try these side by side, so thats out. I will have to try to make a decision and then just be happy with whatever I buy. Here are the deals I am trying to chose from..

Swarovski Demo 10x42 el in perfect condition and couple month old......................................$2000.00
Lecia Ultravid HD'S (standard hd, NOT hd pluss) 10x42 with green armor BRAND NEW...........$1600.00
Swarovski SLC 10x42 Used but look brand new Only two months old..................................$1200.00
Zeiss Victory HT 8x42 used but look brand new ALSO only about a month old.......................$1250.00

You can get Zeiss 10 x 42 bino's for less than$1250 and the Swaro and leica models dont add squat to the pic for their extra $$. I went Zeiss..
ok I was able to look at the swarovski line at Scheels today as well as the Lecia Trinivoids. They didn't have the ultravids, but did have the trinivoids and I honestly liked them better than the swro slc's. I have ruled out the EL's do to something looking funny about the image that I just can't put my finger on. I can't say that it reminded me of a ball rolling, but while panning around, something seemed different than all of the other models, and it seemed to bug me. ( maybe it was my imagination). They where VERY bright, but TO ME, not worth the extra money since something about the image seemed to bug me.
I REALLY wish they would have had the ultravids as they are high on my list. I have read that some people don't like the lines or something on the bottom side, and wonder if they are the same lines that are on the trinivoids. I didn't mind the lines on the trinivoids at all. At least the company that I would buy the ultravids from will let me return them if I don't like them.
The exit pupil on 10x30 binos will be 3mm. All other factors equal they will not be as bright as 10x42s -- around 25% less bright (again all other things equal).

While these are not on your list, have a look at Nikon Monarch 7 10x30. They are very light and exceptionally clear.
Best of all they are a lot less expensive than the others.
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