I finally shot a gun I built....wooohoo


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2007
As many who visit this section know (because of all the stupid questions I have been asking)I have been preparing and planning to build guns for myself. I finally got all the pieces parts together for a build and finally got all of my tooling together.

I started with a Savage 12 action, a pac-nor barrel blank and a used mcmillan stock and here is what I ended up with...a long throated 308 with no barrel nut. I guess I got lucky because I cut the best looking threads and chamber that I have ever cut on this one. I am guessing that the 6ppc reamer I have been practicing with is dull, as my chambers were not very pretty.

Headspacing may be just a tad tight as I can feel the go gauge when it is in the chamber but the bolt closes easily. When you add a piece of tape on the gauge forget about it.

Every piece of this gun from the scope on down was bought on classifieds from various shooting forums or ebay. Now I just have to see how she shoots. I started break in yesterday and got 3 rounds down range....havent got on paper yet so I do not have any clue how she is going to shoot.

Many thanks to those who have helped me out with information. Now it is on to a 300RUM as soon as I find a barrrel:)

Outstanding , I like the idea of a "Mutt" rifle just like Mutt dogs it'll probably be a great loving gun to you.

I assume that this was the first Pac-Nor barrel , I have found that they do cut a little better than some due to being a tad softer. I know where their is a good barrel for a long range 300 RUM it would be perfect for shooting 240 Sierra Match Kings and the heavier VLD custom pills

BLACKSTAR 30 cal. 9" twist -

Eddybo , I sent the inserts for that boring bar to Don's along with the inserts he needed and just a couple small boring bars to you for the 223 bolt face trouble you had

What bullets you gonna shoot out of that 308? 190 VLD's , 208 A-max??

I ordered the 190s this morning as QL predicted 2900 FPS at 62K PSI....ummm I may can get 3K:) if I can dodge the safety police. QL wasnt as optimistic about the 208s, but that is what I am going to start with since I have a big supply of them. I have shot the 208s out of a 12 twist 308 before and was amazed that they were stable....not only were they stable they shot great.

I appreciate the cutters as I am sure Don does.....I am checking the mail box for them.

I think this barreled action is about as close to perfect as I will ever get. I still have some stock work to do but it feels okay when I tighten the action screws. I think it will be good enough to shoot it this weekend until I can get the bedding done.
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