Hunting scope thread !


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2011
I have been reading a lot of great info on here . Here is my problem I am looking for a scope that has adjustable turrents for my new to me 300 ultra mag sendero . 26" fluted barrel with brake . This is my second 300 ultra I have one with. A 24" barrel with a 4x12- 50 Z3 Swarovski with a ballistic turrent this is a great set up have shot out to 600 yards an it is reliable , I am wanting to take the sendero out to 1000 yards is has a 20 MOA rail on already , so right now I am looking for a scope for this gun I want to keep it light weight , I would like higher magifaction 3x18-50 or 6x24-50 , I am looking at night force , Swarovski , vortex , and ? I love the clarity of the Swarovski , never looked thru a night force , US optic might be an option ? Trying to keep weight down , does any one have an razor HD ? The vortex 6x24 -50 PSE I have on my Ar 10 I like it also but not a crisp as my Swarovski . Can any give me any others I need to look at that I have not mentioned , I have three leupolds they are ok but have had problems , that they fixed . They just let me down twice that cost me the biggest whitetails I ever had a chance to take . Just throw some ideas or personal experience on any scope that you guys have had my experience with thanks in advance .$1500- $2000 range in price is what I can spend new or used ,
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...................The vortex 6x24 -50 PSE I have on my Ar 10 I like it also but not a crisp as my Swarovski ..................

........ and it's a third the price of the Swaro......:) Like comparing an Escalade to a Blazer. Both do the same thing, one is more comfortable and it happens to cost more.....

It's a PST by the way.

The Razor is competitive with the Swaro and US Optics (pricing wise) and I too, would like to have someone chime in on clarity, crispness and of course weight.
Correct PST , I like the scope optics seam good repletible turrents clicks seam sharp , Zero stop nice also I have went out to 600 with AR10 and can return to zero back at 200 it right back on! My thing is the razor HD is right at $2000 just want to make sure I am make the best choice , thanks for you reply .keep the coming !
The Vortex Razor and the Nightforces' are heavy scopes. I dont recall exactly, but if memory serves correct they are around 2 lbs.

Swaro is probably gonna offer the lightest weight of the ones mentioned if you wanna keep top notch glass and optical qualities.

Don't know anything about US Optics weight specs, never checked into them.
With you wanting to keep weight down. My 1 would be mark 4, 6-20x50, I prefer mil,22 oz. Pst you have 6-24 at 23 oz.Ziess conquest6-20x50,21 oz. good glass,45 moa ,not a lot.The NF IS 32 OZ and longer,USO same and longeer yet also 3-17x44 $2600Premier, S&B, LAST 4 all great turrets,great glass and all heavier and some big$$
exactlty what 6x6 posted, just went through this and the NXS is 2lbs and the Razor is +2lbs. Still checking to see how leupy, zeiss, PST compare in regads to glass. From all I have read Zeiss is probably the best optically.
Ill throw this out as I just set up a mid-weight hunting rifle.......I called up the Leuopld custom shop and ordered a VX-3 Longe range 6.5-20 side focus, 30mm tube / 40mm objective, with a TMR reticle and M1 dial on elevation only.

It set me back a little under a thousand bucks, and gives me most of the functionality of my regular Mk'4s.

I now have a 24" medium weight barrelled 284 Winchester that weighs in at just over 8lbs with scope and can drill a milk jug full of water to 600yds quite easily.

I have buddies with the NF, Swaro scopes ect and I still prefer the balance between cost and performance the Leupold's provide.....if you want something more then start thinking US Optics and Schmidt & Bender.
Check some reviews on the Sightron SIII 6-24. Its lighter than a NF or razor HD. Got to use one a few months ago and the glass was very clear, put my pst to shame and 22 oz or so its 10oz lighter than a NF
SWFA has a super sniper that's a 5-20x i think and it's supposed to be the best scope in the 1500 range. although i don't think it's the lightest!
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