Your ribbons look pretty nifty. I was in the navy thus don't understand much about that kind of stuff. I had one that I think was an expeditionary ribbon for when the USS Enterprise, its tag along destroyer, the battleship USS Saint Paul, several other carriers, cruisers, tankers etc made a jaunt from G of Tonkin to North Korea when they shot down a C-121. Tho't it was gonna be a big day but it kind of fizzled.
That ribbon and the viet nam one were the only ones that I wore. I looked like a recruit.
I like this pic best.
Thanks for your service. My life treat you well.....
Yep, though I was in Rickover's Navy. I volunteered enough times for the gun boats that the reactor officer chewed my butt. He didn't get anything but scar tissue. Never did get away from operating that reactor. Gulf of Tonkin circles till I got dizzy. Had some pretty nifty conversations with some pilots though.