Well-Known Member
I have a Rem 700 that requires a bit more force to lift the bolt than others. Are there techniques to reduce the bolt lift? Does someone make a Reduced Power Firing Pin Spring?
Don't reduce the spring but get a better quality so its not coiling up and dragging, remove and clean the threads both on the shroud and bolt interior, polish like a mirror the cocking ramp and the face of the cocking peice, assemble with quality grease on the threads and ramp. There is more than can be done but it takes re machining the geometry and changing pin fall among other thing which only a hand full of guys are capable of.
Is this happening after the firing pin has gone off? I have a Rem 700 that has done this from day one. I can take the firing pin out of the bolt shroud and there is no resistance at all.
Does the bolt have the "J" lock?
I have a 700 that I bought about 1983 with the same problem. I ended up lapping on the rails, locking lugs, bolt threads, cocking incline and cocking piece. The actual lapping is not bad but, The clean up was terrible. I had to take the rifle out of the stock and take the bolt apart to clean the lapping compound out, and lube and Grease the threads. It had a jeweled bolt. not so pretty anymore. But it has worked smooth every since. I had tried everything I knew and this was the Last Option.
Thanks for the info! This is what I was looking for. I'll try those suggestions.
Can you explain what "pin fall" is? I haven't heard that term.
By "machining the geometry", does that pertain to the cocking ramp in the bolt body?