Wlightbulbw! I'm glad he's on our side. gun)
Wlightbulbw! I'm glad he's on our side. gun)
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Texas Triggers - 1000 yd SHOT standing w/ .50 cal - YouTube
Wlightbulbw! I'm glad he's on our side. gun)
That was a great video.
I can't help but cringe at the lack of hearing protection. I would have added muffs over the plugs and sure wouldn't have stood anywhere but behind those 50 cals with their monster brakes.
When I saw that woman with foam plugs barely into her ears and no muffs I thought she will have caused some permanent hearing loss and her ears will be ringing that night!
Those guys were professionals. They should have prepared their novice shoots with proper hearing protection.
I do not recommend shooting any 50 cal with ear plugs only. It is not just the noise, the pressure
wave is a real problem.
This is a case of "More is better".