J E Custom
Well-Known Member
I like the idea of the AI cartridges was just wondering if we gained as much as we thought we did. I believe cartridges like the 220 Swift and tapered ones like that stand the most to gain in just plain old longer case life.
I will make an effort to explain what little I know about case life and throat erosion as related to the Ackley improved design.
A case with very little shoulder like the 220 Swift (21o) has pluses and minuses. The plus side is very easy extraction and feeding because of the taper. The minuses are based on the ignition process. cases with slight shoulder angles push more/most of the powder out of the case before it is completely ignited, causing faster throat erosion from the abrasive powder grains. the longer the powder stays in the case the better the throat life.
Cases with more shoulder angles (Like 35 to 40o)tend to hold the powder in the case longer and burn more of the powder inside the case minimizing the amount of un burnt powder that impacts the throat and lead angles. This Causing less throat erosion using the same amount of powder. The 40o shoulder also helps prevent the brass from flowing forward decreasing the case length growth and extending case life.
This was a big issue back when our powder selection was poor, and going to a 40 degree shoulder WAS A very measurable IMPROVENENT.
The only real downside that I can think of is the feeding/chambering of a round. The rifle must be set up correctly (Preferably with a center feed magazine) or feeding can be problematic
Now that we have a broader selection of powders we can improve the powder burn some , but the 30 to 40o shoulder still Improves the efficiency of the powder burn and in many cases actually improve it
even more.
In addition to all the pluses, more case capacity is another benefit.
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