1st my sweet wife gave me a Christmas present. She knew it was the wrong unit, so there was a gift receipt and a note inside telling me to take it in. They didn't have the right one.
+ $350.00
+ a few more $hundred for a sonic cleaner and scale.
And then some raw materials, and then a few shooting trips for data. And more raw materials. Shooting trips are a few days out on the Yuma Proving Grounds, or the High desert. Different GPS locations, and different angles of shooting.
I built a reloading table, thankfully I have carpentry skills. My wife lets me do as I wish in our garage. Our home is hers. I get choices in the kitchen as I do a lot of our cooking.
And a chronograph, then a better scale, then an acid pen, then a,,, maybe a couple of,,. I cannot remember everything. But I can reach out and touch things at good distances.
Hmm, I am a bit elderly, but probably less than $7k. I did say probably.
The programs I wrote to collect the data and make spreadsheets for was just time and the joy of writing them.
I do expect that several more $thousands will be spent. But retirement provides time for hobbies.