How does the Minox MD 50w compare to the Vortex Nomad spotting scope?


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2011
As you can tell I am looking for an entry level spotting scope. I would really like to hear from people who have used them. I like the weight of the minox better 21.69 oz. but am looking for a scope that I can use at the range and backpack with.
I went with the minox and I really like it. I've been told the only thing better is the nikon md 50 but for the price it just isnt worth it. I haven't compared it to the vortex. The only reason to not go with the minox in my opinion is if you want more power but in my opinion its a great balance of weight, performance and value.
I to was looking for an inexpensive spotter prior to my Wyoming trip last year and I went with the nomad. For $300 I am really impressed. I was able to judge and identify game out to 1000yds. Early morning and late evening I wish I had an 80mm objective! I would reccommend the nomad. I have no knowledge or use of the Minox.
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