Horse Rancher in Southern AZ


Nov 26, 2013
Hello All,
My name is Jack Teter. I live up in the mountains in southern Az. The altitude mellows the temps as great deal and we even get snow once in a while up here at 5000'.
I have a horse ranch and sell Tennessee Walking Horses. I have a 400yd range on the ranch I use to keep me "dialed" in with my rifles and gave unlimited range I can shoot on BLM land next to me
I've been a reader of LRH for more than a few years. I look forward to getting it in my email every day and read it as soon as I get it.
I have learned tons of great information over the years from reloading to dialing in for long range hunting and shooting.
I don't post very often because it seems on average the membership is much more savvy about every subject covered in LRH than I am so I for the most part just read and learn.
I have been shooting and hunting since my Gmpa gave me my first gun. A single shot Springfield .410 in 1955. I still have that Pheasant slayer lol. I grew up in IL and cut my hunting teeth on Pheasant, rabbit and squirrel. Got deadly with that little .410 on all three, especially on pheasant. Over the last 65 yrs I have hunted Whitetail in MO an IL and gave on very fine trophy on the wall. I am mostly a meat hunter but this guy just happened to be, well in the wrong place at the right time. Well that's pretty much me in a nutshell. Good shooting and hunting my LRH friends.


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Glad to have you here! Welcome from Alabama. My Son rides horses a little bit. He has one. I don"t ride much but I enjoy the idea of it. One of my friends I work with is really big into walking horses. His name Is Brian Anderton.
Welcome from Texas. I have 1 qh,1 mustang,and 1 mule. And for some reason I am backpacking for a mule deer hunt this year! Lol
I used to hunt near Parker Canyon lake with a friend who lived in that area. Love the Huachuca range. Since he passed, haven't been back in 20 years. Beautiful country, but lots of border activity in that hunting area now.
I used to hunt near Parker Canyon lake with a friend who lived in that area. Love the Huachuca range. Since he passed, haven't been back in 20 years. Beautiful country, but lots of border activity in that hunting area now.

I was there yesterday, went to scout the Canelo hills and backside of the Huachucas and Parker Canyon Lake area for our coues hunt in 3 weeks

It's really beautiful country, you should visit again.

Stay safe all
I was there yesterday, went to scout the Canelo hills and backside of the Huachucas and Parker Canyon Lake area for our coues hunt in 3 weeks

It's really beautiful country, you should visit again.

Stay safe all
I might. Got skunked on all big game tags this year, but might just take a drive down to see it again. The Canelo Hills is nice country.
I might. Got skunked on all big game tags this year, but might just take a drive down to see it again. The Canelo Hills is nice country.

Spending a day at the lake never hurts. Same here, luckily we got leftover deer tag, and even on those there weren't much left this year. There was like a third of leftovers vs previous years.

Stay safe Sir
Welcome aboard. If LR hunting/shooting is in your future, you've arrived at the right forum. Many members here with full brains to pick.
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