Your +/- .005" is not the lube, it's the inconsistency of the application of it.
I'm not here to defend one shot, but if used correctly, it is issue free with most cases. Most who have issues never let it dry, couple that with an uneven spray pattern, bam, crappy bumps or stuck case. Tip your cases upside down in your tray and get an even coat, let them dry.
I use one shot, but don't shoot huge cases, I tumble, dust cases off on a towel, spray, let sit at least overnight, maybe more, haven't had an issue in yrs.
I'm more of a target shooter than hunter, and will always have 300 pcs of brass minimum in service, process all at once. If I had to lube each case individually, I wouldn't reload.
Figuring out how to make a product work is sometimes easier than sorting through more products. Or duplicating a melted butter, 10W-30, with a splash of kroil recipe, using a dogs butt as the applicator.