hope this works out for me


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2012
Western CO
took my two OG Vipers (2 or 3 yrs old, non-HD, 6.5-20X) off of my "longer distance" AR's (RRA 20" Varminter and DPMS LR308, both with Timneys).

Traded them for a pretty decent price and was planning on putting HS-T's on them. Dealer offered me a smoking deal (I think) on two brand new 4-16 SFP PST's.

I had read of some clarity issues with the early 4-16 PST's, but some reports say it has cleared up. The old Vipers were very unforgiving at full power, and the old BDC did not work for me.

Any opinions on the 4-16 SFP PST w/EBR-1 MOA? Seems like a perfect AR scope to me.

FWIW, paid about $400 total (tax and all) to upgrade BOTH scopes after trade. I think I did alright moneywise.
I had a 4-16 PST with EBR-1moa on my DPMS bull 20 with timney trigger. It is my designated coyote rifle and I've been quite successful with it. I do the majority of my coyote hunting in the moonlight during the winter months. It was an ideal scope for me and my use for it. I don't think you will be disappointed. I had no reason in the world to switch but I was finally in a position where I could put a NXS 3.5-15 on it so I made the switch.
I've only seen the SFP in store and they were okay, the FFP has verrrrry clear glass though. I'm still tossing the HST versus PST around trying to figure out which would be better for me.
I figured. Just got a cheapie 3-9 Crossfire put on a Ruger American Rimfire for my girls (they need to learn to use glass). Gonna tackle the PST's next.
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