Ok,keeping this one going, has any data been collected as to whether or not the flight charctristics/ actual BC have been changed due to lowered friction while traveling through the air, or am I just "over-cooking the popcorn" with that idea? It seems to me that with a lowered coefficient of friction while moving through the barrel, improved dynamics would follow thereafter... Again, could have burnt the popcorn here...?
The coefficient of friction between the jacket of the bullet and the steel bore are altogether different than the coefficient of friction between the jacket of the bullet and air. If bullet BCs could be significantly improved by HBN coating bullets, Sierra, Berger, Barnes, Nosler, Speer and other bullets companies would have been coating their bullets some time ago in order to put the larger BC number on their boxes of bullets. Because the cost to HBN coat bullets isn't all that great. A little HBN powder goes a long ways...