Orange Dust
Well-Known Member
Looks like my well used and trusted 1600B grew wings and flew out of my shooting bag. Guess I should have kept the lid zipped so it couldn't fly off... Puts me in the market for a new one. Things have changed a bunch since I bought the 1600. I have always used it with Shooter. Cheap app that is easy to use and spot on when trued. This brings me to my asking for help. Do I stay with what I know, or go new school? I've been looking at the G7BR2500, KILO2400ABS, Lecia I will admit I'm better with reloading than computers. Shooter was easy to learn. These?? I am also just considering staying with Shooter and getting a Leica 2700B. Be gently guys, remember I am old. I do like Lecia, small beam and great optics.