Heavy bolt lift in my 6.5 PRC using 139 gr. Hammer Shock


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2019
south central IL USA
I recently loaded some 139 grain Hammer Shock in my 6.5 PRC. I used 55.0 grains RL26 which is the same I use for 143 grain ELDX. I had heavy bolt lift after shooting the Hammer loaded ammo. I don't experience the same with the ELDX. Both sets of ammo loaded CBTO 0.002" short of the lands. Ideas??

Very, very slight extractor marks.
Curious on what device you are using to measure that you are .002" from the lands? The Hornady or Stoney Point?
you are comparing a solid copper to a jacketed. mono bullets require almost double the start pressure of jacketed so your pressures are gonna rise a good bit. As already said, mono bullets like more jump. My Barnes like about .050". Back off and work up your load.
I recently loaded some 139 grain Hammer Shock in my 6.5 PRC. I used 55.0 grains RL26 which is the same I use for 143 grain ELDX. I had heavy bolt lift after shooting the Hammer loaded ammo. I don't experience the same with the ELDX. Both sets of ammo loaded CBTO 0.002" short of the lands. Ideas??

Very, very slight extractor marks.
As Varmint Hunter said, Way to close to the lands, seat it to the last PDR groove
10-4. Thank you. I am using Hornady comparator equipment to determine lands and measure CBTO. They threaded a fireformed piece of brass for me.

I will seat them deeper.

Got these bullets in batch I recently purchased from a LRH member. Probably never would have tried Hammers without getting them second hand. I love their consistency (weight & length). The three hammer loaded ammo I shot produced a half MOA group at 100. I am excited to see what they do when loaded properly. Back to the drawing board. Love this group !!!! Shooting a Bergara HMR Pro. Wonderful gun except for weight and the extended box magazine.
I also received 0.264" Cutting Edge bullets in the same batch. I noticed the bullets have a "stop" ring in place of the cannelure. I suspect that is the depth where I should load these bullets. Correct?
10-4. Thank you. I am using Hornady comparator equipment to determine lands and measure CBTO. They threaded a fireformed piece of brass for me.

I will seat them deeper.

Got these bullets in batch I recently purchased from a LRH member. Probably never would have tried Hammers without getting them second hand. I love their consistency (weight & length). The three hammer loaded ammo I shot produced a half MOA group at 100. I am excited to see what they do when loaded properly. Back to the drawing board. Love this group !!!! Shooting a Bergara HMR Pro. Wonderful gun except for weight and the extended box magazine.
I saw a video somewhere where they did a test side by side with the Hornady tool and then did it with the bolt drop method with no firing pin/spring and found that the bullet was actually INTO the lands .005" when they believed they were at .000" Hunting bullets (especially monos) never need to be within .010".
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