Heads up on "left hand" rem lss 338rum-$599

ol mike

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2005
not florda
Any of you south paws looking for a longrange factory rifle -look at dons hobby guns in nebraska ,he is on gunamerica will ship.
Might kill an elk if'n you wuz to hit'm just right........................

Also has a rem 700 sps 7mag -$329 -one left.

Sure ain't like the gunshops around here -they want msrp + tax tag title prep freight dock fee handling -lol.
WOW! That seems like a helluva deal! I paid $700, maybe $750 at Sportsmans for my LSS in 300 RUM 3-4 years ago. And aren't Left handed ones suppose to be more expensive? I'm sure this wont last long. Nice price on the SPS to! I already got a 7 RM though, lol.
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