Have ordered Rem 700 PSS .300 RUM


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2004
I have just ordered in and have on lay away a Rem 700 PSS heavy barrelled .300 RUM, thye no longer import a heavy barrelled .300 RUM intoAustralia and this was one of only a few left, I am excited and looking forwards to gettig this gun up and going.

When I have paid it off I will get some badger mounts and badger 20 moa base for it and then a scope.

For thin skinned varmints over the truck bonnet I plane to use 150 gr or 180 gr Nosler Ballistic tips. I would like to be able to have some hits at 700 yards after learning how the caliber works. My first goal will be to get clean kills at 500 yards.
Kills on thin skinned varmints at 500 should not be a problem at all. It's the clean part I'm having trouble with /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I really liked the 180 gr ballistic tip in my 300 RUM. They shot 3/4 MOA during my initial testing and had explosive results on water bottles and jack rabbits out to 300 yards. got the same results using 180 grain speer SPBT. They were quite explosive at these velocities as well. I got slightly better accuracy using the hornady interbonds and they are supposed to hold up better on big game (we'll see in 2.5 months). I would recommend either for varmint hunting. I have 1 buck and 2 doe tags to test the interbonds and speer bullets on. I'm going with them because of price.
Yeah mabe clean kills will not be possible /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Saquatch your choice bullets sounds good, I also reckon it would be fun to try the speer 130 gr tnt bullet.......I reckon that would be a bomb on our foxes and your coyotes !!
they would probably tear them up quite a bit. I know they do out of a .30-06. I try not to damage the hyde too much on coyotes though. The guy that tought me how to shoot accurately is a trapper and I give them to hem.
Thats good of you saquatch,

my mates and I want a "spectacular" load....so I figure the 150 gr BT's will go well. We have had some pretty spectacular kills with our large bore rifles but thye are a short range proposition in compariosn to the rum .300
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