Harbor Freight vibratory case polisher ...Round 2


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2007
west of Little Rock ,Ark.
A while back , maybe 6 months ago , not sure , anyway I posted a review of the Harbor freight vibe polis unit as to initial impressions and about vibratory case polishers in general. Specifically touching on longevity .

Tired of paying 100+ dollars for big name units that would fail in 6 months to a year without any recourse for replacement I bought a Harbor freight unit for 49.99 on sale ( normally 59.99 ) and paid 6 bucks extra for the 1 year extended warranty . I was thinking that if they lasted asbout the same as the other units I had been buying I would come out ahead for a long time . Only paying 6 bucks every 6 months to a year for the extended warranty on the replacements they would be giving me .

Well its been less than a year and I think more than 6 months and it passed away last night . Naturally I couldn't find my paperwork and had failed to register it online ...oohh boy!

I took to the store anyway and the girl at the counter said no dice but called the manager anyway . I explained to him the deal and he went and got a new one and I paid him 6 bucks for a 1 year warranty on this one and the paperwork is in my safe /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

I figure I could do this 10 times and still be a bit less than buying a big ticket polisher I couldn't get replaced .

Now , if only Weatherby could attend the same customer relations school /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Jim B.
Naturally I couldn't find my paperwork and had failed to register it online ...oohh boy!

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Robert Burns poem about some mouse he ran over while plowing.

The Best Laid Plans O' Mice and Men Gang Aft Aglay

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Yes.... they more than " oft go awry "

But hey ! Bob ! , I got a new one this time /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif and my paperwork is " before me/ you ) /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

At present it is downstairs beating its little brains out which is what it was designed to do.

I will let you all know how it goes come round 3.

Jim B.
Jimm.. you gotta quit polishing those bowling balls man! Just because you can squeeze it in the top of the tumbler don't mean thats the best way to get it shiny! Id offer you my tumbler... but I don't want it dead yet. Its run 4 hours a day, 3-4 days a week since I bought it in 2001. its the blue one from midway. By my public school math thats better than 2000 hours easily. Youre not by chance running these off a timer are you?

I didn't read anything in the destructions about no bowling ball polishing /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Looking at the Frankford arsenal unit it appears identicl to the harbor freight unit except for color , and no , no timer .

Oh yeah, unit number two died on its second day /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif Here I go again /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Jim b.

My neighbor, Mungus Beck, made a couple of those things with a small electric motor, a light dimmer thinger and a salad bowl with snap on lid. It's variable speed and is years and years old.

I'll get some pics and specs.

Also, the motor is most probably available in your kitchen. Though, I don't know that the boss lady would say about how quiet the dish washer is running. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crazy.gif
Steal the mixmaster- it already has a variable speed motor. You will just have to go without any cake on your birthday. She will probably get back in a good mood in about two weeks.
Roy ,

Some of your friends have some strange names , I mean , Mungus Beck for real ? ( sorry Mr. Beck but this is really aimed at Roy anyway )

All plans for shadetree polishers accepted Roy . Thanks !

I have unit # 3 in operation now , no poroblems getting a new one at the store , just plop it down and hand over the paperwork and walk out the door with a new one .

Anybody want to run a bet pool on how long this one lasts ? Naturally I won't be eligible but all y'all can play !

Throwaway world , thats my real beef . Make them so cheap that you can give out endless new ones without charge ...................but what happens to the old ones ? resources buried in a land fill , thats what !

Jim B.
Too late Jim , I already absconded with the mixmaster to mix old automive paint /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif AND it took more than a month on the simmer down time /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Jim B
Some of your friends have some strange names , I mean , Mungus Beck for real ? ( sorry Mr. Beck but this is really aimed at Roy anyway )

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That would be Jim Beck who lives down the road a ways. My other buddy is Mungus (Don) Buffum who lives down the road the other way.

The Mungus comes from the last page of a magazine I used to get. The last page was a humours story with two fellas the dumb one who's name was Mungus. I figger'd as I'm the 'smart' one in the neighborhood the other guys would be the Mungus types. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif

But they don't know it /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif
Roy , Roy , Roy ,

I should have known , considered the source , and all that . Mungus was a tad too close to some friends of mine that bear the surname of " Hu moungous " ( I'm thinking that Buffalobob is in this category , so stock up on redmeat foodstuffs as he is headed your way in a bit, oh ..........hi ! Jim C. didn't see you there /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif )

Jim B.
BAck in 1970 I purchsed one of the red rotary rock polisher type tumblers. Many a belt has gone and the old Ereector Set type motor likes its lube but "it takes a lickin but keeps on--- rollin along". 06's by the bushel, 08's from NM shooting and it still runs. NO deposit , no return. Overbore
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